Saturday, November 6, 2010

The Day's Highlights...

1. Riley professed an urgent desire to "start the laundry" today. She compiled the dirty clothes from her room and Adrian's room, then dragged the bin to the garage. I started the water and added soap, and she took care of putting all of the clothes into the washer. How cool is that? Next week, we'll work on folding...
2. The lollipop graveyard. In our refrigerator, we have a bowl with a half dozen lollipops in it, open and stick-side up. Today, Riley spent about five minutes with a lollipop and then added it to the graveyard. She then asked to have another lollipop. Funniest thing ever.
3. Barbeque!! That's all I'm saying.
4. Date night. Pretty sure Shawn and I haven't been out sans kids for at least 5 months. So excited to head to the movies tonight!!

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