Friday, October 9, 2009

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Happy 18 Months, Riley!

So hard to believe my baby is 18 months old today. Each day, she amazes me more and more. Each day, she learns something new. Each day, I fall more in love.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Fun with Riley...

Riley is almost 18 months, which is so hard to believe. She is such a doll. I feel so lucky and blessed to be her mom! These days, she is learning new words all the time. This past week, she got good at "snack," "bathroom," and "water." We had a great time this weekend getting family portraits done, going swimming, going out to dinner (she LOVED the lobster tank!), and today going to the park and library. Her laugh is infectious; I love being around her because she makes me so happy!

Anyways, enough gushing...enjoy the pictures!


Last weekend, Shawn, Riley, and I gave our front yard some much needed TLC. We planted 20 plants in our front flower beds. So far, everything is still alive, and I am excited to come home just to see them! Next and final step: mulch. But we have to figure out if we should do that now or wait until the spring. . . .