Saturday, September 17, 2011

Pictures, Projects, and More...

Where is September going? It has been way too long since I have blogged, but last weekend I collected 46 essays and spent 48 hours grading (not straight, but it felt like that sometimes). Then this week, has been busy catching up on reading, writing, and sleep. Plus, I had a Dr.'s for my 25 week check-up and glucose test, and my dad came to visit on Thursday! We had a great time! Grandpa went to school and read to both Riley and Adrian's classes. He was a hit! I just love seeing him interact with my kids and how much they adore him. He also dropped off a reclining chair and two twin beds for us, all of which will be much needed in December when #3 requires rocking and R and A start sharing a bedroom. Overall, we had a great day with Grandpa, and we are looking forward to their next visit in October.

Now, on for the more exciting stuff. Pictures! Check out some shots I've got of the kids and Shawn's recent project. What is that odd wood display, you ask? It's a home-made board for Settlers of Catan, an amazing board game. The board is made up of a bunch of smaller pieces, and ours had started moving and not wanting to stay together. Shawn's board holds everything really nicely and looks great, though it will look even better once he finishes it. If anyone is interested in their own Settlers board, let us know!

And finally, a list of kid updates:
1. Adrian just got his sixth tooth!
2. He can wave goodbye now and bring objects to people. He's getting good at dog-like behavior...:)
3. Riley has been big into camp-outs! Every Friday and Saturday night, Shawn, Riley, and I sleep-over in the family room. So much fun! Riley looks forward to it all week.
4. Riley has mastered riding her bike with training wheels! I don't even bother trying to run alongside anymore.

1 comment:

Da Costa said...

I can't believe how big the kiddies look! :) We miss you guys! Hey, are you guys coming down next weekend?
Luv ya!