1. In the past two weeks, the air conditioner has broken down twice! Twice. I like it hot, even really hot, but it was too much. Fortunately, our home-owner is great, and he is working on a long-term fix.
2. Riley has started swim lessons at the YMCA. She loves it, too. She's been working on her strokes, diving for rings, swimming through hoola hoops, and having a ball. We are so proud of our little fish. Her coach said she's never seen a kid hold their breath for as long as Riley can.
3. Next to us, there is a rooster and a herd of dogs (okay, four). While Shawn and my dad were moving the furniture in, two of the dogs welcomed themselves into the house, too, and started licking a sleeping Riley. They are sweet dogs, but a little overwhelming for our little ones. And the rooster starts crowing at around 5am. That's fun.
4. We've discovered some great playgrounds so far and a community pool right down the road. This weekend, we're going to check out a baby and kid fair and the farmer's market.
Okay, Adrian is waking up from his nap, so time to upload some pictures. More updates to follow!
**A couple quick notes about the pictures...the outside home and pool pictures are from Gainesville. I took the kids for a quick swim that final morning before we piled in the car to drive up to Athens. The inside home and pool pictures are from Athens. The shelves are my recent purchases from Ikea. Love, love, love them. And the Keurig machine was a going-away/graduation gift from Caroline. Best appliance ever!! Thanks, Caroline!
hawkniesLinds!!!! I'm so happy everything is settled and things are falling into place! And hooray for your hubby finding a job! Love the pics of the new house! Can't wait to make a road trip up there! Miss you tons already! Luv to you all! (I just realized that there are 10 exclamation points in this comment! Well, now 11.)
Um, I was trying to type in the word verification and I have no idea why it put it at the beginning of my comment!
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