Saturday, August 30, 2008

Heather's Visit...

So this post goes back to before the Bachelorette Party, but I was in a hurry to get pictures on the blog and so now I am going back in time...

Heather, my best friend from when I lived up in Greenville, PA with Shawn for the first two years we were married, came down to stay with Shawn, Riley, and me the week before I went up for all of Alli's wedding festivities. It was awesome getting to spend some time together, to talk in person rather than over the phone, to go shopping again together, to play cards, to play with Riley, and to just chill. While Heather was in town, we hit the mall, Devil's Millhopper, our pool, The Mill, the couch (for afternoon naps), and the dining room table (literally!). Heather introduced us to one of the greatest card games ever: Pounce. And, she beat us pretty handily at it, too! All in all, we had a great week that went by way too fast.

I am so thankful to have a friend like Heather, and I cannot express how much her visit meant to me. I was so touched that she traveled all the way down to Florida to meet Riley and hang out with me! Even though we no longer live nearby each other, I am thrilled that we are still so close. Heather, you are amazing, and I am so glad we are friends!

1 comment:

Kira said...

when do we get pictures of the wedding???